This is a call for all Knowledge Makers and robot-lovers!!
We will run a ROS-workshop with the goal of introducing those who are interested in developing robot-integrated applications.
The Robot Operating System (ROS) http://www.ros.org/ is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It consists of a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions aiming at simplifying the task of creating complex and robust robot behaviour across a wide variety of robotic platforms.
During the workshop, we will give an introduction to ROS concepts and then we will let you play with our robots, both simulated and real ones!
No particular experience needed other than basic programming skills.
When? July 5th from 9:30AM to 1:30PM (with possibility of staying in the afternoon for more robot testing!!)
If you can’t stay the full session, join us from 11.00 for playing with robots anyway!
Where? KMI Podium, Berrill building (it will be signposted)
Presenter and ROS-whisperer : Gianluca Bardaro
Registration is at the end of the post, there is a limited number of places, first come first served.
Hope to see you there!!!
- Introduction to ROS
• The middleware
• How to install
• The computational graph (node, topics, parameters, …)
• ROS file system and commands
• Workspace and packages - Writing ROS nodes
• Your first publisher and subscriber
• Your first client and server
• Custom messages
• launch files
• Some practice with turtlesim - Let’s make a (simulated) robot
• turtlebot in stage
• write a simple teleop
• write a simple controller
• stop to obstacles - ROS advanced
• transformation frames
• actions