Here you can find all the resources needed for our workshop
You didn’t manage to register?
Down here, you will be able to see the live streaming of the workshop so you won’t lose anything.
The live stream will start approximately 5 minutes prior to the start of the workshop, you may need to refresh the web page for the player to start.
Some user may find that the audio starts muted, this is due to changes in modern browsers that can mistake the video for an ‘advert’ and as such automatically mute the video. Just use the video controls to unmute the audio.
[If you reached this page through your NFC token Feel free to hack it and use it as you wish after you got here 🙂]
More detailed OpenScad instructions
- This is the presentation that David is running
- This is the OpenScad code of the demo
- Head here to download OpenScad if you don’t have it already
- This is an alternative solution to 3D design
- Thingiverse is the place to get readymade model that you can print or hack around